Word of Life Bible Institute Mexico does a super job with their summer camps. Last year, David came home absolutely exhausted. But they are also very intentional in making sure everyone hears the gospel. This year were were thrilled to here that one of our young people that went to the camp, Hans, made a decision for Christ. What a great thing!
Pretty much all year round, but especially when school is out, our house is full of people, especially in the evenings. And of course, occasionally, we just have to go get tacos! We’re blessed to have our daughter Cathy here for several weeks!
Cuco and Connie do a great job leading the youth group. Lately we’ve had another 6-8 new kids coming, which is wonderful to see. Pray particularly for Hector, who comes from a rough background, but seems to really enjoy being with the group.
We were privileged to participate in Sendero 1’s 14th anniversary celebration July 14, with Pastor Martin and his wife Laura (picture). It was really encouraging to see two elders and their wives and two deacon couples formally recognized during their anniversary celebration. Biblical leadership is so key to a healthy and growing church!
The Jesús María church is doing their kids club this week…and have had at least 170 kids attend! It’s important to note that this is a totally Mexican-run activity, not subsidized in any way be any missionary presence or funds. Yet they manage to minister to (and feed!) a huge amount of kids each week during DVBS. Praise God!
Mayra is making cardboard camels and I’m printing out backdrops of Egypt for our upcoming DVBS in Palmas 1. This will be the second year we’ve done the club, this year once again with the participation of a group of 17 from Hope Community Church. Please pray for this week of outreach July 29-Aug. 2. We’ve been doing our best to promote the club with phone calls to families that brought their kids last year, as well as with posters and flyers.
The theme this year is the life of Joseph, so as well as the camel, our house is being decorated with green foamy palm tree leaves and hieroglyphics to decorate the entrance, as well as, of course, the mini-palm trees we used to decorate last year’s club (Daniel in Babylon).
What’s coming up? Well, we’re discussing plans to start a series of Bible Institute/Seminary level classes here (Bible Training Centre for Pastors) in conjunction with Dr. John Schimmel (Dallas Theological Seminary grad) and Still Water Community Church, of Rowlette, TX. Lord willing, the first 40-hour course featuring hermeneutics and Bible study methods will begin in October. But before that, the churches here will be involved in the preaching and worship leading time for the Culto Unido, or United Service, an annual event that brings together 8-10 Bible churches in the Mexico City area. Fellow believer Daniel Frias in the Sendero Jesús María church and Rod are in charge of coordinating the event. Martin will be preaching for it, and Rod along with the worship groups of the Sendero churches will be leading the praise time.