Anniversaries, Relief Work and God’s Protection

We’re in Puebla this Sunday, visiting Chalo and Beth Sandoval’s latest church plant, Maranatha Bible Church. I’m preaching, a repeat of a sermon I did recently on Mark 13, but such a relevant topic of the signs of the end of this age. We’re certainly living them!

We are excited about celebrating The Sendero Palmas Bible Church’s first anniversary on November 5th. Hard to believe it’s been a year already! We’re planning a special service with testimonies, Powerpoint, participation from various groups and of course, a cake! We are missing our wonderful Word of Life/Palabra de Vida interns! God bless you Matheus, Cheila, Karen, Rebe y Nani!

I was in touch with Operation Blessing today about obtaining more wheelchairs; we haven’t been able to get any all this year. Really hope to be able to talk a bunch of them to the earthquake affected areas of Oaxaca.


Below, an announcement from Valley Bible Church on Instagram, promoting an offering for different natural disaster relief destinations, including the very needy area of southern Mexico. We are encouraging our supporters to give via Adventures in Life Ministry. I have ongoing contact with founder and director Dave Miller and our mutual friend Gaspar, and can vouch for their dedication and commitment in getting aid to where its needed most, in strategic ways. Check out Adventures in Life’s donation portal here: We haven’t changed missions (still with Commission to Every Nation), but are privileged to partner with AILMinistry.

You can also give to Mexico relief via Camino Global. Check out their website at: Be sure to specify that your funds be directed to Mexico.

One last note. Last week I drove our 2003 Astro to Juchitán, Oaxaca and back, over 1000 miles. Over those many hours and curvy roads, I did not have any mechanical problems. Two days later, however, the battery light came on, and it needed charged to get to the mechanic. Just another testimony of how God takes care of us on the road, even loaded down with supplies and far from home. The repair bill…$20 to fix an electrical connection from the alternator to the battery.

I guess I should footnote this “without incident” report by saying that a part of the grill fell off when I was in city roads after dropping of Chalo in Puebla. The grill piece fell off…and I ran over it, then realized that it was from my vehicle? I quickly stopped, ran out into the road, and grabbed it (after almost being hit by public transportation…but hey, at least I was able to recover my grill. I had that fixed today for a whopping $4.50.

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