
Milk, Gas and Razors

A gallon of milk in Mexico (at Walmart) costs 51.50 pesos, or about $3.96 U.S. Minimum wage in Mexico, $5.23 per DAY. Most people involved in labor intensive jobs and factory work (perhaps the majority) make 3-5 times the minimum wage. Let’s suppose a man makes 5 times the minimum wage, or about $157 for

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Food and Ministry

While at a missions conference at Mt. Calvary Church, lead pastor Richard Vaughn mentioned that book that I want to download and read. I believe it was called A Meal with Jesus. I hope that was what it was titled, because I just downloaded it from Amazon. I’m sure I’ll be commenting on it as

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New Logo!

Take a look at our brand new MexicoMatters.org logo, which Samuel just created for us. We are just about ready to make the transition from this blog to the more formal WordPress site, www.mexicomatters.org, just making sure that some of the bugs are worked out of it before we make the change. Do you like

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