Every year we think about a general theme to caption the gist of our we do here for our summer team members and interns. This year the theme is “exponential,” with a play on this: 2 (T) 2 x 2, or something similar to this. I can’t do mathematical symbols on this keyboard, but it would be something like 2 to the third power, and maybe mention the letter T or the word Timmy. Get it yet? I’m excited about exponents because I’m teaching all of that craziness to my kids.
Last year the summer theme was Going Viral: Living a Contagious Faith. During our church construction phase the theme was “Making Space to Make Disciples”. A few years ago, we borrowed from a television series and called our summer “Reaching the Lost.”
Last night Samuel and I sat down at a local restaurant (not a taco stand…because we had to write and draw on an actual table) and talked about this year’s “Exponential” theme, with 2 Timmy 2:2 being the key verse. Lots of “2s” in that verse, and multiplication is key. Have any ideas for our logo? Please send them to us! The logo will be going on probably around 120 t-shirts this summer. If you’ve visited us, you just might have an old t-shirt with one of these logos!
Below…some past summer logos.