This past weekend is a bit of a blur, but a pleasant blur, with much blessing and challenge. Friday and Saturday we were pleased to sponsor our first FAMEX missions conference, with Tony Vasquez as our conference speaker. The theme was how Mexico can contribute in reaching unreached people groups, the a particular focus on the 10/40 window.
Workshops features the following themes:
Dealing with Culture Shock and Cultural Adaptation–David Gómez (FAMEX)
Dynamics of a Sending Church–Chuck Topp (IB Ciudad Azteca)
Art in Ministry–Samuel Valtierra (Animando Cartoons)
Giving the Gift of Mobility–Julio Dominguez (Operation Blessing Mexico)
Going to the Less Reached–Fernando Amezcua (FAMEX)
Creative Sustainable Projects–Dave Miller (Adventures in Life Ministries)
It was a great conference! The rain held off Friday evening, and showered us just briefly on Saturday night. 12 people responded with interest in pursuing missions in the future, and five people desire to be involved in the summer missions projects that FAMEX is offering. Thank you for your prayers.
Here are some pictures.