Feliz Navidad 2024

Christmas is always a special time in Mexico, and this year has been exceptionally blessed! We have enjoyed several different special activities with the Jesús María church, including an all-church Christmas dinner on December 15.  We appreciate the effort made in decoration and preparation.  (scroll down for info on more Christmas activities).

Christmas dinner, with chicken, pasta, and a tasty desert and coffee.
The ladies sang a song entitled “Jesus was Born”…really beautiful

On Saturday, December 21 David Gómez organized our annual youth Christmas party, complete with games, lots of food, and of course…piñatas!  I’m not sure how many kids attended, but it seemed like a lot! Youth from the Palmas and Jesús María churches were present. It was quite a time!  It is really special to see the group coming together, enjoying each other, and little by little understanding the importance of living a healthy, God-oriented life. It seems like we have new kids nearly every week. Pray with us that the group would continue to grow both in number and, most importantly, spiritually.

This year’s Christmas play was entitled “A Christmas of Change,” performed on the evening of December 22. The Christmas play was not your typical shepherds and wise men portrayal, but rather was written with a focus on the difficult dynamics of a typical family (dysfunctional, lack of communication, tendency toward addiction, unplanned pregnancy, marriage challenges), and how Joseph and Mary also dealt with some real challenged. But the birth of the Savior gave them, and us, hope for a different future, for a transformed life.  The main actors, a family struggling with all sorts of dysfunction, were an actual family in the church (Erick, Monica, Angel, Monica and Erick), who did a great job! Husband and wife Jonathan and Esli played Joseph and Mary. Mayra also had a principal role as coordinator of the shelter (after the volcanic eruption, but you’d have to see the play to understand that part!), and as the person who gave spiritual direction to the family searching for answers.

We were very excited to have probably 10 people from the community who had never been at our church before.  Several of these visitors were parents of kids that have recently started coming to youth group. The gospel was clearly both portrayed through drama and explained after the play was over.

The family arriving at the shelter after the volcanic eruption, being received by Mayra, who tells them the Christmas story.
Joseph and Mary arriving at the stable.
A family, transformed by the message of the Messiah, who was born and died to forgive them

The sound, light and special effects guys (Fabian and brother Juan) did an amazing job, creating a volcanic catastrophe with smoke machines, and Samuel with the help of Braulio, Brenda and Adrian did a super job with backdrops and stage props. Those of you that have here might notice that Samuel built a shielded entrance/exit on the right side of the stage to facilitate stage entrances/exits.

Pray with us that the message of this play, and the truth of the gospel would impact hearts and minds. Mayra and I wish all of you a blessed Christmas season!

2 thoughts on “Feliz Navidad 2024”

  1. Thanks for sharing! I will be praying for your church and the youth and others impacted by the Gospel message in your Christmas presentation!

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