We had our second 8-hour hermeneutics class this past Saturday, October 26. Once again, the attendance was 51 people, not exactly the same 51 people as two weeks ago, but still a great attendance! We met and ground through A LOT of technical points about form and literary analysis and genre. A big thanks to John and Frank, and to the Sendero Church of Jesús María, who hosted the event this second week.
Homework for this coming Saturday…an analysis of the book of Haggai (which I persisted in pronouncing wrongly in Spanish…Hageo, plus some other work in our workbook. This coming weekend, amigo José Antonio Muñoz will be here to assist in the teaching, and to preach for the Sendero Palmas 1’s third anniversary! Looking forward to having him here.
Below, a thank you video to Lighthouse Community Church, who gave a generous donation which permitted us to invite 9 leaders from the ministry here in Ixtapaluca and also in Oaxaca to a Pastors Conference in Huatulco, Mexico. The event was organized by Word of Life Bible Institute, Mexico (Palabra de Vida México). Yes, we suffered mightily! It was a great time! We once again enjoyed getting to know some of the pastoral staff of Harvest Community Church, who came down and helped teach many of the conference sessions, as well as helping out with the music.