My good friend Samuel teaches physics in a High School in the morning, and in a Jr. Hi School in the afternoon. At least once a week we get together for a pretty intense game of racquetball (well, as intense as we can be at our age!). But his real passion is art, and he is very gifted at it. He has designed our church and community center logos, does most of the art for church activities and much more.
Among his recent projects…designing a logo and banner for friend Paul Johnson and the Corban University missions conference (for the third year in a row), and doing Volume 6 of New Life in Christ, a discipleship study used by much of Latin America, and developed by Camino Global missionary Mark Robinson. This excellent Bible study has also been translated into many different languages. Check it out here.
Sam’s current project…original art for Leroy Community Chapel’s Global Hope Market, where artwork from around the world will be featured, with a missions focus. I’ve put a sampling of his recent work below. Pray for him as he considers retirement from full-time teaching to focus on developing his remarkable talent.