We really have no idea how many kids we had today…estimates go from 65 to 90, but was for certain was that it we had a really good time!
Later on in the day, Marla, Mayra and the ladies were involved with Laura, Eli and some ladies from Sendero 1 Santa Barbara, and had a great time with a craft class.
Some of the men helped move some stone and gravel at the church property, and he hope to do a lot more pending permits. We made another big dent in mowing the forest in the area in front of the community center.
I managed to teach Shawn and his son Dave a bit of Power Grid.
All in all, a great day! Sorry for the lack of detail…but I’m tired!
Thanks for your prayers!
Quote of the Day: Christ leads the way. It all starts with him. He doesn’t ever ask us to do something that he didn’t first do himself. He is the ultimate leader who shows us the way by going before us. We learn from Jesus that the way up is first down; ambition should be replaced with humility; a leader seeks to serve first, not to be served.
Neil Cole. Organic Leadership: Leading Naturally Right Where You Are (p. 195).