Remake of the Left Behind movie, this time with some serious star power, Nicolas Cage. Check out an article about the movie in Relevant HERE. It will be interesting to see if the movie retains any of its Biblical prophetic nature, or if it will become just another Hollywood apocaliptic film with explosions and vengence. This is perhaps not a very appropriate Valentine’s Day post, but hey…
We appreciate your prayers on behalf of Mayra’s mother. She has been feeling weak and losing weight during the past several months, experiencing intermitent pain in her adomen area. So far all tests have been negative.
Impacting article on alienation on Ravi Zacharias’ website. Check it out HERE.
Quote of the Day: God takes the initiative in crossing the cultural bridge. You participate in the work of God’s Spirit by following him across the cultural bridge and entering into others’ lives.
Tim Dearborn. Short-Term Missions Workbook: From Mission Tourists to Global Citizens (p. 41).