Meet Rebecca Contreras

Rebecca is the third member of a group of students from Word of Life Bible Institute, who will be helping us in the ministry here beginning this weekend and continuing through May, 2017. We are excited about what the Lord is going to do in and through each one of us.  If you missed the other entries, you can read about Matheus and Cheila be clicking their names.

Hello!! My name is Rebecca Contreras; I was born in Mexico City in a Christian home, so I grew up surrounded by an atmosphere of church, but never was confronted by the Gospel. I remember attending Sunday Class; I memorized bible verses but only to stand out.  As the time went by, I made wrong decisions, which pushed me away more and more from God. The consequences of my actions began.

rebecaOn January 14th 2008, I was going back home after having a discussion with my father when I realized I had never had a personal encounter with Christ. That day I realized that if I died I would go to hell, I remembered many things that I learned when I was a kid.  I received Christ as my personal Savior, asking forgiveness for my sins and understanding  that He was the only one who could change my eternal destiny and also my earthly life. After that day I began to experience many changes in my life. God helped me change my relationship with my parents and my sisters, removing the pain and bitterness that my sins had left.

Later I met the Ministry of Word of Life Mexico by missionaries who went to the church where I am a member. They invited me to a summer camp and in the same year (2008) I dedicated my life to the Lord without imagining what He would do with me. I decided to stay and study in the Bible Institute. In May, 2010, I began to take steps of faith and decided to accept the challenge of missionary work. It wasn’t simple at first, but over time I have seen God’s faithfulness in my life. I wasted too much time without knowing Christ so now that I know Him and serve Him I don’t want to miss a minute more. God has given me the opportunity to serve in the ministry of Word of Life.

The desire to serve in church planting ministry comes from the conviction that God’s purpose for the Christian is through the local church.  We have the responsibility to preach the gospel but also we have the responsibility of making disciples. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is a challenge and a longing in my life, but seeing people grow and be discipled in the context of the local church is my passion. Today for me is a great privilege to learn methods and get to know people who have developed this ministry.  In the future, if God so desires, what I’ve learned can be reproduced with other groups of believers, in places currently unreached with the gospel.

I am sure that God is and will continue to work in my life, both to transform me into the image of our Lord Jesus Christ and to continue to serve Him and reach more people in Mexico.

Rebecca Contreras

Passionate service, Hebrews 12:28

If you would like to help us offset the expenses for Cheila, Matheus and Rebeca (bus tickets, lodging and food from September through next May) you can do so via Camino Global (thanks Jim and Shari) and an account that has been established for such expenses. Click HERE. If you’d like more info on what that amount is, email us or FB message us.

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