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Over the course of the next couple of weeks (and maybe sooner) we will be changing the way we communicate, transitioning from this blog to a more formal WordPress site. Many thanks to Josiah Heigel (Innovate) and his fiancé-soon-to-be-wife Heather Nero. And I should mention that my daughter, the lovely Catherine Fry, did the graphic on this post. So if you come to this site and there is not current information on it…that’s why!

The name of the new site,, reflects our desire to keep Mexico front and center when you and others think of missions. Contrary to conventional wisdom, there is SO much yet to be done here, and the Mexican version of Roman Catholicism is a far cry from what you may think it is. Mary is Queen here. The established Catholic church is morally irrelevant and politically compromised. Mexico needs to receive more missiological attention. Anyone who has visited the Basilica of Guadalupe knows exactly what I’m talking about.

It is also our desire to use as well as several other sites that are being developed in both English and Spanish as portals through which you can possibly plan your next short-term trip or summer internship. Jessica Nixon is helping with another English site, that will focus on the church planting and community center ministry here. We desire to continue to work hand-in-hand with Camino Global and their Mexico internship that Tina now coordinates, as well as extend our reach to Spanish-speakers through FAMEX, and provide a more flexible format for families also. Our goal is to provide a “menu of experiences” by this October to choose from for 2015, complete with dates for short-term experiences.

Quote of the Day: Jesus certainly had hopes for people, and He was faithful to His personal mission, but He didn’t have an agenda. He had the highest calling of any man in the world, with only three years to complete the task and barely enough people to start a volleyball team. If anyone should have had their loincloth in a square knot, trying to assemble people for the dream team , whip them into shape, get ’em out there and get ’er done, it would have been Jesus. He should have been the most controlling, most intense, most transactional leader of all time, but He was the exact opposite and showed us how to never let goals take precedence over people.

Halter, Hugh  Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth (Kindle Locations 897-902).

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