Over the past year we’ve distributed around 60 wheelchairs through an organization called Operation Blessing. Marta and I recently participated in their Training Certification Course, and now are one of very few churches or organizations in all of Mexico City that are able to receive and distribute these (almost) free chairs.
The chair below is one of the last 1st generation chairs that we will be handing out, this one given to a Mr. José Ata Chavez, who sufferes from shaking and a general lack of mobility. In the future we’ll be distributing 2nd Gen chairs that come in three sizes and are adjustable in several different ways.
Allan and his family met this neighbor, and mentioned the opportunity of receiving a free chair. Allan’s sister Zeltzin and mother Lydia plan to follow up with this family in days ahead.
Quote of the Day: Assembling the pieces of a culture so we can see the bigger picture and to understand how it all fits together takes patience and perseverance. The transition from seeing a heap of unrelated pieces to seeing the integrated beauty of the culture is a very rewarding journey
Duane Elmer. Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility