Recently a friend in Minnesota, Alyssa, has been reminding many of us of the tragedy of abortion, and how many innocent lives have been lost and continued to be killed every single day.
Unfortunately abortion isn’t only a reality in the U.S. The Mexico City government passed a pro-abortion law several years ago.
This discussion came home to us as our friend Iris mentioned to us that her sister was considering an abortion. Fortunately Iris was able to talk with her, and just told me on Tuesday that her sister is going to have the baby…has even announced that she’s expecting on social media. Praise God!
Some things have become almost acceptable in our society. But some practices should never be acceptable. May God give us grace and love to reach out to many women who are considering an abortion, and to extend grace to those who already have made this life-altering decision.
As I watched the first video I though of my youngest cousin, Ben, now with the Lord, a Downs baby and adorable child who went to be with Jesus at age 10. Anyone who knew him, and many people did, knew he was a gift from God.
The first video is actually produced by ESPN, which is sort of amazing in itself.
Here is another inspirational article and video on Auburn’s Homecoming Queen, Molly Anne Dutton.