David and I spent last week with Dave Miller and Gaspar Chable at Gaspar’s ranch outside of Oaxaca, a state to the southeast of Mexico City, about a 5 1/2 hour drive for us. Dave is president and founder of Adventures in Life Ministry. We’ll be doing a 6-week short-term missions experience together this summer called missionXchange, and so David and I went to check out what God is doing in Oaxaca.
I will be writing more about this week in the next several days, but some of the highlights included being inspired by the lives and testimonies of several faithful Mexican families in the face of persecution, and rubbing shoulders with some strange and wonderful new friends from the U.S.
Oh, and we managed to build a 24′ x 24′ building that will be used as a dorm in the future, the first of 4 or 5 such structures planned.
I mentioned to Gaspar and Dave on Thursday evening, after we visited a doctor who is not even a Christian but who believes in helping small villages in Oaxaca…a doctor that sells them medicine at cost and burrows through his hopelessly disorganized filing cabinet/medicine cabinet to donate more…anyway, I mentioned to Gaspar and Dave that perhaps what most impressed me about my time in Oaxaca is how God uses the most unlikely of people to do His work. I’ll be writing about these unlikely people in days ahead.
When asked by Cesar, the guitar player and current public relations/video dude, what one word I would use to describe my time in Oaxaca, well, the one word was “supernatural.”