Praying to Mary. Part 5 in a Series. Is Mexico a Christian Country?

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There is a very common misperception in the U.S. today (and unfortunately even in missiological circles) that Mexican Roman Catholicism is just a strain of historical orthodox Christianity. It isn’t. Check out this prayer, commonly recited at a Catholic funeral service.

The first part is pretty good as far as Theology Proper (although we would not pray for the departed’s soul, as at a funeral it is too late to pray for his or her soul), but we are in agreement that God is our Father, that the Son is the Redeemer of the World, that the Holy Spirit is God and that the Holy Trinity is One God.

But the second and third paragraph, well, they reveal the true focal point of Catholicism here…Mary. Read it with care. Is there any doubt as to the focal point of a Mexican Catholic’s devotion?

Here we go…

Lord, have mercy on him (her), Christ, have mercy on him (her), Lord, have mercy on him (her), Christ, hear us. Christ, listen to us. Heavenly Father, you are God.  Have mercy on him (her). Son, redeemer of the world, you are God.  Have mercy on him (her). Holy Spirit, you are God. Have mercy on him (her). Holy Trinity, you are one God. Have mercy on him (her).

Holy Mary, pray for him (her), Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Virgins, Mother of Jesus Christ, Mother of Divine Grace, Mother most Pure, Mother most Chaste. Mother Immaculate, Mother Untouched, Mother without Stain, Kind Mother, Mother of Good Counsel, Mother Creator, Mother Savior, Mother of the Church, Virgin all Prudent, Virgin Revered, Virgin Worthy of Praise, Powerful Virgin, Merciful Virgin, Faithful Virgin. Throne of Wisdom. Mirror of Justice. Source of Our Joy, Spiritual Instrument. Honorable Instrument. Illustrious Instrument of Devotion. Precious Instrument of Grace. Mystical Rose. Strong as the Tower of David. White as a Tower of Ivory. House of Gold. Ark of Alliance. Door to Heaven. Star of the Morning. Health to the Sick. Refuge for Sinners. Conselor for the Afflicted. Help for Christians.

Queen of the Angels. Queen of the Patriarchs. Queen of the Prophets. Queen of the Apostles. Queen of the Martyrs. Queen of the Confessors. Queen of the Virgins. Queen of all the Saints. Queen Conceived without Original Sin. Queen Ascended to Heaven in Body and Soul. Queen of the Holy Rosary.  Queen of Peace.

See the entire rosary of the 5 mysteries in Spanish HERE. Scroll to the bottom.  For another site, click HERE. Or HERE. All of these sites are in Spanish, and the portion that I mention and translate is toward the very end of the ceremony.

Señor, ten piedad de él  (ella), Cristo, ten piedad de él  (ella), Señor, ten piedad de él  (ella), Cristo, óyenos. Cristo, escúchanos. Padre Celestial que eres Dios. Ten piedad de él  (ella). Hijo, redentor del mundo que eres Dios. Ten piedad de él (ella). Espíritu santo que eres Dios. Ten piedad de él (ella).  Santísima trinidad que eres un solo Dios. Ten piedad de él (ella).

Santa María……Ruega por el  (ella). Santa Madre de Dios. Santa Virgen de las Vírgenes. Madre de Jesucristo. Madre de la Divina Gracia. Madre Purísima. Madre Castísima. Madre Inmaculada. Madre Intacta. Madre sin Mancha. Madre Amable. Madre del Buen Consejo. Madre del Creador. Madre del Salvador. Madre de la Iglesia. Virgen Prudentísima. Virgen Venerable. Virgen Digna de Alabanza. Virgen Poderosa. Virgen Misericordiosa. Virgen Fiel. Espejo de Justicia. Trono de la Sabiduría. Causa de Nuestra Alegría. Vaso Espiritual. Vaso Honorable. Vaso insigne de  Devoción. Vaso Precioso de la Gracia. Rosa Mística. Fuerte como la Torre de David. Blanca como la Torre de Marfil. Casa de Oro. Arca de la Alianza. Puerta del Cielo. Estrella de la Mañana. Salud de los Enfermos. Refugio de los Pecadores. Consoladora de los Afligidos. Auxilio de los Cristianos.

Reina de los Ángeles. Reina de los Patriarcas. Reina de los Profetas. Reina de los Apóstoles. Reina de los Mártires. Reina de los Confesores. Reina de las Vírgenes. Reina de todos los Santos.

Reina Concebida sin Pecado Original. Reina Subida al Cielo en Cuerpo y Alma. Reina del Santísimo Rosario. Reina de la Paz.


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