San Francisco and Valley Bible

The last two weeks for us have been a blessed blur, as we spent a week with friends at Valley Bible Church in the San Francisco Bay area, California, then Rod and David in Oaxaca with Dave, Gaspar and other friends of Adventures in Life Ministry. We participated in their annual Men’s Week. More on the Oaxaca experience in my next post.

Somewhere after our CA trip both Mayra and I got sick, and are currently on antibiotics. Yuck. The only advantage of being sick is the opportunity to spend some time at home after being everywhere else, and the chance to catch up on correspondence.

Here are some of the highlights of our time at Valley Bible Church, Hercules, CA  (Feb. 2-8)

Valley is planning on bringing a group of around 40 people down to visit us in July. The purpose of our trip was to talk about how to make that happen. We stayed with Shawn and Deborah Geise, and their crazy, colorful family. Shawn is one of the pastors at the church, and Deb leads the worship choir. They even let me sing in the choir with them on Sunday morning, which was really fun! Any free time I had was spent meeting and learning from Pastor Phil Howard, a man of God who has led the VBC congregation for many years.

During our time there we were able to participate in many different groups, including their church choir, AWANA group, the Seniors class and the worship team. We’re excited about what God is going to do through our brothers and sisters here.

And of course…the Super Bowl! We snuck into the NFL experience Saturday event the back way thanks to some church friends!

On the way home with Aeromexico we had a connecting flight in Guadalajara. Or so we thought. Aeromexico arbitrarily canceled our flight. Get a flight on another airline, we were told, and we’ll reimburse it in full. Just keep the receipts. So the four of us hopped on a flight from Guadalajara to Mexico City with another airline, then spent a good part of the next morning getting nowhere with Aeromexico. I won’t go into details, but suffice it to say it’s going to be a long while till we fly Aeromexico again!

Enjoy these CA pictures, the first two Cathy took!

golden gate bridge small may me

nfl experience

sourdough bread bowl

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