It’s been a LONG time since I’ve updated this space, so I wanted to take time to do so. I’ll simply list some of what has been going on, with a brief description.
- Mayra and I both had Covid. I guess we’re sort of late adapters, but we finally caught the dreaded disease, although in both of our cases it was extremely mild. If I hadn’t had gotten tested, I would have passed it off for the common cold. I’ve been dealing with being tired afterwards, but am not sure if it’s a virus result, or just getting old! Mayra has been dealing with brief times of shortness of breath, but seeing that the pollen is coating everything, it could be because of allergies. But generally speaking, we had mild cases.
- A visit to Leroy Community Chapel in April. After canceling our trip to Painesville, O
H last May, and again last December due to covid, we were finally able to go and participating in their missions emphasis; a three-week sermon series on our mission, based on the book of Nehemiah. It was great to see so many people who we’ve gotten to know over the years at LCC!
- Trout fishing! Yes, for the first time in many years, I was able to in the middle of a PA trout stream, with my aunt and uncle Barb and Donnie, in Perry County. Great times! Even a couple of fish.
- Visiting colleges with David. Looks like he’ll be studying at Pitt–Johnstown in the fall!
- We continue to be involved with Cornerstone Youth Center, volunteering there. I’ve been doing the Twig time (Time with God) every Wednesday. It was great to be able to participate in Word of Life Chapel’s sunrise service, although Covid canceled our involvement in their recent Global Missions emphasis Sunday.
We are planning on returning to Mexico City in August. These past 8 months have been valuable in many ways, giving us an opportunity to be a family for a time, and helping our adult kids (22,20 and 18). They don’t like to admit that they still need us…but every now and then, in a moment of weakness, they might say we actually help them in their lives! We were able to take a day trip to Philadelphia with our kids and their friends, fun time (see pic below).
Rod will be preaching at Word of Life Chapel, Bainbridge PA on May 16. We’d love to see you there if you’re in the area.