Summertime Preview…and a new 1st

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Summers are without a doubt one of our busiest times of ministry in Mexico, largely due to the reception of many visitors. Mayra and I have been involved with an internship program here since 2002, and have had the wonderful privilege of inviting many college students into our home and heart.

We never really know exactly who is going to show up, because some of our more spontaneous friends don’t like to be confined by the limitations of silly things like dates. Brigam would be one of these people. He introduced us to Dave Miller and the Adventures in Life Ministry tribe. Brigam has threatened to visit us this summer, but, well, you just never know. Andrew is another guy who has mentioned a return this summer. Andrew was an intern last summer, and a great guitarist!

The people that are pretty much confirmed…well, here’s a list.
1. Emily, who I met at Rio Grande Bible Institute in January, will be arriving sometime this summer, and spending about 8 months here, living, learning and worshiping with us. Emily is from Canada, and comes down via Camino Global Canada.
2. Marcy, an ESL intern from last summer, will be spending a good part of the month of July with us! It will be great to have her back.
3. Three interns (all guys) with Camino Global will be here for 6 weeks, participating in a number of different relational outreaches.
4. Brothers Peter, John and Andrew (what a Biblical family!) will be hanging out with us for about a month. Daniel will be living with the Ogilvie family while attending Mt. Calvary Christian School this next year. It will be great to have them on our home turf for a while! Be careful what’s in your tacos, boys.
5. Rachel, a Spanish education major, will be hanging out with us for a while too, probably involved in teaching English at a nearby public jr. hi school. 
6. Seems like I may be forgetting someone…hahaha.
7.Yes, I did…Fremont Alliance group from the end of July, early August! We so appreciate the contribution from Fremont…this will be their second team this year!

We are also happy to invite Marcelo Melison to be a part of our summer outreach activities. Those of you familiar with the ministry here know that we’ve done everything from break dancing (thanks Colin), to mixed martial arts (thanks Dylan) to knitting (thanks Hannah) to mural painting (thanks Alyssa) in reaching out to our community. Well, one thing we’ve never done is ventriloquism and magic! But thanks to a contact through my sister-in-law, Mónica, we have invited Marcelo to participate in several (as of yet unplanned!) outreaches from July 10-20.  Marcelo is originally from Argentina, but currently lives in Canada. It was a joy to get to know him recently over the phone, and we’re excited to see how God will use him here.

We still have people confirming (right, Greg and Denise!, Wolc people!) so this is a partial list at best. Please be in prayer for this season of ministry!

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