Last night the many in the church turned out to help clean up the área in front of the markets, where kids club will be happening for the next 5 days. Pics below.
This morning at around 9 p.m. there were already probably about 45 kids at the club. A good start to the week. The teachers are all dressed as flight attendents, and there are quite a few airplane piñatas and airplane decorations floating around. This morning I believe the kids took their first trip to Jerusalem.
I’m getting ready to cruise into the airport to pick up a group of 10 from PA, with the help of Jim and Sam.
The first big committment here with the group…grilling marinated meat (called arrachera), Mexican sausage wrapped in foil (longaniza), nopales (cactus) and sweet onions also wrapped in foil with butter and salt added. Yes, it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Quote of the Day: Churches are not peddlers of Christian goods and services; we are cells of subversion and transformation. We’re not just opening our doors and hoping for a good turnout; we’re opening our lives to show off the glory of our Savior by the way we live together, by the way we serve together, by the way we reach out in Jesus’ name together.
Stetzer, Ed Subversive Kingdom: Living as Agents of Gospel Transformation (pp. 190-191).