At our family cabin there is a little plaque right by the kitchen sink. “Thank God for dirty dishes, they have a tale to tell. While others may go hungry, we’re eating very well!” I suspect that this little message is meant to improve the spirits of whoever is stuck washing a bunch of dishes, but there’s quite a bit of truth in the saying.
Today, someone donated enough money to purchase 8 or 9 bags of basic food items, called despensas here. Several of the women choked back tears as they received their small bag full of beans, oil, toilet paper and some other basic food stuffs. They also reach received about 2 dozen eggs, an essential food item for those living on very reduced budgets.
In the midst of raising money for a church property, it’s easy to lose sight of the needs of many families in the church. The Mexican economy is still suffering from the economic downturn of 2008, but even more than a temporary recession, Mexico lives in a permanent state of crisis. I honestly don’t know how some families make it.
Next time you go to your cupboard or your freezer, thank God for the fact that you are faced with the decision of what to eat, because many people around the world, including many in Mexico, live practically day to day.