If you want to know more about Uncharted Waters, and see the faces of the team members that will be ministering with us this year, go to their new blog at www.uwmexicotrip.blogspot.com. Here are their names:
Randy Eims
Jackie Eims
Joseph Pfister
Steve Judy
Levi Marti
Heidi Cugodal
Lindsey Erder
Monica Munenar
Grace Hudkins
Pray that the Lord would give us an effective week of ministry together.
We put an anouncement in a local newspaper. Cut and paste this link: http://eloportuno.com.mx/impreso/200806/El_Oportuno_impreso_200806.html and go to page 20.
While it is difficult to find anyone who claims to be God, I was able to find one guy on MySpace.com whose mom apparently told him he can become anything he wants if he just puts him mind to it and works hard. So he is hoping to become God at some point. But, it does not seem that his quest for godhood will be achieved as he only has a few friends linked to his page. Why? Because he’s nuttier than a Snickers bar, and if Jesus said he is God when if fact he were not, he would be a nut job, too.
From Vintage Jesus, by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears
Hi, Rod,
Wish we could be there this year. I will add UW to my prayer list for Ixtapaluca while they are there, that God will unlock doors to children’s hearts.
Susan Tunison