“When it rains, it pours.” December 2014 was full of good, bad and downright ugly. I won’t go into all the details…but December was a challenging month!
Some events that will go into the “hassles but surmountable” include our main desktop computer dying for a few days, our debit card (our source of income) getting eaten by an ATM at Walmart, a mysterious pain in the back of my mouth (wisdom tooth coming in, root canal warning??), and Daniel missing an early flight due to immigration issues (using both a Mexican and U.S. passport as a minor…not allowed apparently!).
Oh, and we went to a nativity scene that was billed as “The Biggest Nativity Presentation in the World!” where, in the guided tour past female manikins dressed as Roman soldiers, we learned that Joseph was married first and had 5 kids, then his wife died, so…desperate…he was looking around for a younger woman and found and married Mary. Ok…don’t remember reading that…
But the good far outweighed the ridiculous this December. We celebrated the birth of our Redeemer. We enjoyed the warmth of family and church fellowship. We laughed a lot, and had prolonged Nerf gun battles whenever the adults allowed us.
Daniel was here for 6 days. He has grown in every way. He still wants a tattoo. Mayra and I find ourselves smack dab in the middle of the teenage years. Daniel is 16 going on 22. Cathy is 14 and becomes a quinceañera this year. David is 12, and has more energy than both of his parents put together!
As I look to 2015, I see a year full of consequential decisions. May God give us wisdom, may we be freed from distractions in order to hear His whispers. God, what would you have us to do? God, whom would you have us to be?
Here are some fun pictures of our December. Thanks to so many of you who pray and give so we can be here.