My sons and I and practically the whole entire country were watching Mexico’s crazy game against Costa Rica last night. Mexico had to either beat Costa Rica (to qualify for the World Cup next year in Brazil), or had to depend upon others, namely the U.S., to have a chance to finish fourth in this region of the world (Concocaf) and have to play New Zealand for a chance to enter the World Cup.
But the unthinkable began to happen. Mexico, late in the game, Costa Rica broke a 1-1 tie to take the lead 2-1. Even worse, Panama was beating the U.S. throughout their whole game.
But unbelievably, the U.S. tied Panama towards the very end of the game (actually at minute 92…during the added period at the end of the game) then added another goal just 1 minute later to defeat Panama!
Rarely do you hear such appreciation expressed to arch-enemy U.S. Mens Soccer Team! But last night’s late-game win gave Mexico another breath of life when it seemed that they would surely miss their first World Cup in decades.
Check out a pic put up by the U.S. Team on Twitter and other places, and the reaction of newspapers today to the U.S. victory!