Baking Classes and Remodeling Project

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In one day of promoting next week’s baking classes on Facebook, we reached the limit of 40 women from the neighborhood that responded, excited to take part in this year’s baking classes. A number of ladies from Word of Life Chapel, guided by expert baker Shari Cottrill, will be teaching six classes over the next week.  A total of 60 women are enrolled in the course. We also have two reading glasses and hearing aid events planned, in two separate neighborhoods near the Jesus Maria church.

The men will be helping to remodel the original space that we used to use as a church, before the auditorium was constructed, turning half of the space into an industrial kitchen complete with ovens, stoves and a stainless steel covered table. Drywall will be used to divide the existing space into three different areas…a kitchen, as storage space for risers, scaffolding and other items, and a youth hang-out area. Two industrial ovens are now installed and ready to go, occupying a temporary space for now until the kitchen is finished.

A big thank you to Samuel and Ismael, for installing temporary gas lines, ordering wood and drywall and a whole host of other details! Those of you who have been involved in some way with the construction of the JM church would enjoy seeing the progress is nearly every corner of the facility. A big thanks to Rod and Sue Poskitt, and Denny Mohr for helping make the kitchen area a reality!

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