Kirk Belmont, pastor of Hope Community Church, Mount Joy, PA, first came to Ixtapaluca last summer with a group from his church. You can check that out HERE. A group of 17 from Hope is also coming this year again, in a few weeks, to once again help out with DVBS. We are currently working on housing and logistics for this group!
This year, Kirk brought his beautiful wife Valerie, and came down for a week, just the two of them, and renewed friendships with Martin and Laura, and many of the church people that Kirk met last year. He also taught three seminars this past weekend.
The first teaching time took place at the Santa Bárbara church, and dealt with dealing with all sorts of conflict…theological, strategic and personality/relational. The conference went from 7-10 p.m., and was attended by members of all three Sendero churches here.
On Saturday, Kirk spoke about the process of change…Is it possible to change? How can I change? Through an examination of principles in Romans 7-9, we learned how, through God’s Spirit working in us, we can escape the cycle of bad habits and become free to serve God.
On Saturday evening, from 5-7 p.m., pastor Kirk was able to speak to a vibrant group of 35 young people in the Palmas 1 neighborhood, on the very relevant topic of change, and escaping addictions and bad habits. It was encouraging to have 7 first-time visitors among the audience.
Thanks, Kirk and Valerie, for your great attitudes and your commitment to the church planting ministry here in Ixtapaluca!