I just sent a petition for 50 more wheelchairs to Operation Blessing today. Apparently they do not have any in stock right now, but a shipment comes in again in June. We would like to continue to distribute these free wheelchairs in a series of outreaches here locally.
Because this ongoing ministry is part of our community center efforts, you can give to a special community center account via Camino Global. Each chair costs us 250 pesos for importation costs, which comes out to about $19 per chair at today’s exchange rate. Figure $20 a chair. If you’d like to give directly to this ministry, click HERE and donate on line.
I had the privilege of preaching for a small church in Iztapalapa last night, Ríos de Agua Viva. There I met Timoteo, who is 87 years old with a dynamic testimony of how he tried everything…witchcraft, images, and gimmicks, until he finally understood that only Christ could heal him of his alcoholism and intense headaches. He also happens to be a professional guitar player. Check out the video below.
As always, there are other expenses, particularly related to Marcelo Melison‘s time here. Marcelo is a ventriloquist and a magician, and will be coming to do a week of ministry with us in July. Of course, we don’t really have any budget for this, but we do have a credit card.
Thanks to so many of you who support and pray for the ministry here.
Quote of the Day: By the time Jesus conversations are happening, you are a person’s friend or respected peer, and you don’t ever have to go too fast or try to manipulate the conversation. If you let people come to you, and you speak with such gentleness and patience, you will have a comfortable running conversation that they will always lead.
Halter, Hugh Flesh: Bringing the Incarnation Down to Earth (p. 177).