Changes and Transitions

This past year has been different in many ways, but still good. Still very good. Our time in PA has afforded us the opportunity to experience the changing of the seasons…now that we can once again see winter around the corner…well, we need to head to Mexico!

What a privilege to serve at Word of Life Chapel, E-town Grace, Cornerstone Youth Center and other places, to spend quality time with family, to renew acquaintance with dear friends.

We want to let you know of an important change in our ministry…or rather, how we are empowered to do our ministry in Mexico City. For the past 7 years we have served with Commission to Every Nation, and it has been a great run. We love and respect CTEN. But now, for a variety of reasons we have switched mission agencies, and are now going to be serving with Liebenzell USA. Never heard of it? Neither did we. But as it turns out, the initial agency was started in Germany around the time of Hudson Taylor, when he challenged Germans to help him in the task of reaching China. Liebenzell USA began 80 years ago. It’s offices are in Schooley Mountain, NJ, on a beautiful stretch of land. They also have a camp and retreat center that actively receives youth groups and other groups for camping on the weekends, and over the summer. We met Chris Matthews, the director, back in 2008 during a trip to Spain. You can read about that HERE.

If you support us, for now please continue to send your support to CTEN. Soon we’ll let you know how to redirect this. Thanks so much!

What now? Well, Mayra and I are excited to return to Mexico sometime during the month of October, although we still have not purchased airline tickets. We are excited about once again plugging into the ministry of the Palmas church, as well as focusing on short-term teams. In December, Lord willing, a group from Grace College led by friend and former missionary colleague Pete Gross will be visiting. We’ll be once again working with Karin Benningfield, formally with Camino Global, now a Liebenzell mobilization coordinator working out of Dallas, TX.

The (extended) Fry family. Daniel and David always compete to see how is taller. David tries to win with his hair.
I saw this little guy recently. We would appreciate your “prayers,” just like this guy is constantly praying.

1 thought on “Changes and Transitions”

  1. Mr-Mrs D Schoenwald

    Glad to hear about coming events. Will continue to pray for you as you return to Mexico…and with a new organization. Will read about them…thanks for including their information,.

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