We’ve been back in Mexico now for several weeks, and they’ve been full and fun. Much of what we’ve been doing is preparing for a bunch of teams and several summer interns, which always makes our summers extra special. In addition to well over 50 people visiting us, we also have a 15años celebration, a wedding and ongoing theology classes every 2 weeks, continuing with our Bible Training Centre for Pastors and Leaders course. This is our fifth course, this time on Church History. A big shout out to John Schimmel, Frank Villalobos and the Still Water Community Church for your partnership in these important classes, that have been going on now since before Covid.
The services in the Sendero de Vida Palmas church continue, as well as leadership training courses for men, a women’s study for the ladies, and youth group (re-starting this Saturday) for our young people.
Our summer theme this year is “Conversando with Friends.” Most visitors will be spending time living and laughing and eating with Mexican host families. There is indeed much that divides us, but even more that unites us, especially as believers. One of the special parts of Mexican culture is the focus on hospitality.
And finally, a bit of perspective. I recently paid 21.99 pesos per liter for gasoline. Let’s do the conversion. There are 3.78 liters in a gallon. That means that the price per gallon is 83.12 pesos. The exchange rate is about 20:1. So a gallon of gas here is about $4.15. Keep in mind that the minimum wage here is $8.65 per day. In walking through Walmart, most products are similar in price to the U.S. As inflation hits the world, economic pressure everywhere increases, but especially in places where people live in a pretty much constant state of crisis.
Thanks for the update. It sounds like you have a big summer lined up.
Wao am so happy to see young people still committing in the things of God. I could love to be part of the next session so I can learn the word of God and build my spiritual life and create a difference in my community.