Cultural Challenges Camp Bighorn 2018

For the second year, we had the privilege of hosting Camp Bighorn‘s Journey program. They spend just over 1 month in Mexico doing all sorts of outdoors and wilderness related activities, as well as some limited ministry. Their first week is spent here, in Ixtapaluca, where we give them a bunch of cultural and ministerial orientation.

Every day the group of 11 was here was pretty full of activities. We took a van downtown, saw many important historical and cultural sites there, and road Mexico City’s Metro system. The group taught an English class on Saturday, and helped with a combined youth group meeting. On Sunday…well, after church, Samuel designed a “food challenge” at a local market. You can see the video below. Monday took us to a small, rural High School, where the group interacted with around 280 students. On Tuesday, the were involved in a hearing aid and reading glasses outreach event.

They will be in Puebla, Hidalgo and Oaxaca before returning for a day or two before returning to the U.S. Below, some pictures and video of their time here.

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